Vincent Lostanlen, Alice Cohen-Hadria, Juan Pablo Bello
Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Publication year: 2020

With the aim of constructing a biologically plausible model of machine listening, we study the representation of a multicomponent stationary signal by a wavelet scattering network. First, we show that renormalizing second-order nodes by their first-order parents gives a simple numerical criterion to assess whether two neighboring components will interfere psychoacoustically. Secondly, we run a manifold learning algorithm (Isomap) on scattering coefficients to visualize the similarity space underlying parametric additive synthesis. Thirdly, we generalize the “one or two components” framework to three sine waves or more and prove that the effective scattering depth of a Fourier series grows in logarithmic proportion to its bandwidth.